Friday, January 1, 2016

Starting the new year on the straight and narrow - after a rather fretful night

Both JP and I are not big into New Year's Parties. The main reason is that we don't want to leave the barn unattended. A few years ago some teenagers threw fireworks into a horse barn down the road from us, and it subsequently burned down, killing several animals.

We did go out for a nice dinner, made it back by 9:30 p.m., did night check - and realized that Saumur hadn't touched his dinner. Red Alert! Saumur not eating is unheard of. He only gets a cup of pellets per feeding so he usually devours those in no time. He gets plenty of hay several times a day and also dives right in. Not so last night. On the bright side, he looked perky, had drunk some water, and passed manure. Not all was lost - no emergency call to interrupt the vet ...yet.

We checked on Saumur several times during the night and he seemed fine. I was afraid to drink much in case we had to ship him to MSU (Michigan State University Veterinary Clinic). Luckily no need for this, and by this morning Saumur was eating again. Perhaps he just wanted me to lay off the champagne??

With Remy the New Year started on the straight and narrow - cantering up the centerline that is. We had a very good first ride of the year, so Life is Good!

Now all I need is a good sweat in my very own Finnish Sauna, lovingly built by JP. Top that off with the champagne I didn't drink last night and Life is Excellent!

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