Saturday, February 27, 2016

The trailer goes back to the plant - and what's he dreaming about?

Guess I was a bit too enthusiastic about the trailer being fixed. This time the side window came off, and JP can't fix it. So -incroyable- he has to make the six hour trip to Indiana again on Monday. They are very lucky to deal with JP and not with me!

Grooming Remy today I noticed again a sappy substance clinging to the inside of his upper hind legs. This has puzzled me for a while now, and I wanted to ask the vet. I suspected urinary issues, but clearly whatever sticks to his legs is not urine.

I mentioned it to Lisa, Topline's barn manager and resident expert on equine care, today. Her dead pan answer had me first stumped and then laughing until I was in tears. How do I phrase this politically correct? Oh, I'll just write it: Seems teenage Remy is a typical boy and has wet dreams!

I've never come across anything like that with the other 'horse boys' in my life. But then, Remy got to enjoy the ladies back in Montana. Guess he lives vicariously in his dreams and as JP pointed out: It's very understandable - Remy lives wall to wall with the hottest filly in the barn.

Like the saying goes: It takes one to know one :-).

Thursday, February 25, 2016

And the newly fixed trailer goes... nowhere right now

JP’s six hour round trip to the Lakota manufacturing plant in Indiana was successful. Everything that needed to be fixed got fixed, and JP was very impressed with the service techs and their work ethic. So, the trailer is good to go – alas it goes… nowhere right now!


Well, it’s a snow day today – I’m working from home and Remy is snowed in at Judy’s. We can’t even get the truck out of the driveway until JP digs us out with the tractor. And then we probably won’t go far either. Our back roads are not on top of the list for snow removal, and the schools are closed, so no need for the school buses to come through. Which means Remy's school bus is also canceled!