Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Trailer woes - and rides like today make it all worth it

Last night while unloading Chambord we found that during the relatively short trip home from Topline the butt bar had completely broken off and was lying on the floor. I guess at least it didn't bump against Chambord's hind end, and most importantly - he wasn't injured!

But that was the proverbial straw that broke the camels back, or, in my case - blew my fuse. We bought the Lakota trailer in November 2015, and since then the metal bars that are supposed to close the ramp/rear doors had to be replaced because they didn't close all the way. Then the replacement bar was wrong and -you guessed it- needed to be replaced. Add doors (tack room and horse sides) that open during a normal ride, and then top it off with the butt bar breaking off and you can imagine my thoughts regarding this company's quality systems.

I called and also sent an email with photos to evidence the issues, and am awaiting a resolution. These are supposed to be higher end trailers, but I guess skimping on quality is not limited to cheapos.

So the phone call to the company quality person had me already riled up, followed disappointing board decisions at work and you can imagine my frazzled mind when I made it to the barn. Reading work emails while grooming and tacking up didn't improve my mood either.

Luckily, today was the day Remy decided to help me out. I was eying the icicles and snow melting off the roof, waiting for the big thumps followed by Yihaa's: I'm outta here's from Remy - but nada. We did our thing and I had one of the best rides ever! Go figure. Judy reminded me that the "outside rein is your friend" - and man, did I need a friend today! For about 45 minutes all my worries  went away and I was reminded of my latest mantra:

"Denk nicht kaputt was Dir gut tut"
 ("Don't let your thoughts ruin the things that make you happy").

This should go on my epitaph.

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