Sunday, February 14, 2016

Set your intention for your practise - and Giddy Up!

When we left for breakfast this morning the thermometer proudly displayed -30C. Another day off for the horses. The dogs are moping because obviously it's too cold for a run, especially as they both are senior citizens. The only ones happy with this are the cats. I bet Jerry, the former barn cat, counts his blessings every day. He reciprocates by being the most respectful and loving cat.

I do love my Sunday morning Yin yoga class, but it took some time to be able to quiet my mind while holding the long poses. Our teacher, Laurie, helps with reading poems or inspirational quotes. Today it was Shakespeare. Listening to Laurie guiding us through the practice got me thinking once again about the similarities to riding:

- "Set your intentions for your practice, what do you need today, what do you want to work on (have a plan)"
- "What contracts needs to relax (you can't keep your muscles contracted without giving your body relief)"
- "Breathe through the uncomfortable, it should not be painful, but nevertheless stretching your boundaries"
- "Be thankful"

Especially the last one is a challenge for me, I do try to have an "Attitude of Gratitude", but I am also very driven, and the concept of not having anything to prove anymore has not hit (yet). I listened to a fellow boarder yesterday to her plans for showing both her horses at the top shows, one at FEI levels, the other -recently purchased import- on the up and coming. Of course, I immediately felt inadequate, Remy's spooking issues when he feels trapped between other horses are not altogether resolved.  Even though mostly we can hold our own, let's face it, we'll have a tough time against those top dollar imports, and the riders that are not obligated to hold down (demanding) jobs.

But then I am thinking about the joy I felt during our work with Brandt last year, and how going to the rodeo definitely was a highlight. I am very fortunate that I can play in various different sand boxes, be it horsemanship, dressage, jumping, trail riding - and the latest pièce de résistance: Cow working!

Yes, Remy and I are signed up for a 3 day workshop in June called 'Horsemanship with cows'.

Giddy up! Perhaps there is a career on the range waiting for us?

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