Saturday, February 13, 2016

"This polar vortex isn't that bad - but I really could use a TV"

 The predicted polar vortex held what it promised, with single digit temperatures in the forecast. In order to give Remy some exercise before his turnout I very, very reluctantly rolled out of bed, had breakfast, and after a glance at the thermometer dressed for the artic. Not exactly balmy -5F (-21C) when I left the house. Yikes.

Remy was happy to see me, he pointed right away to his water buckets that had frozen over. He has an insulated bucket that gets filled with warm water, and the barn is several degrees warmer than the outside, but still the water was frozen solid. Remy gulped down an entire bucket of warm water, which was encouraging as most horses drink less when it's so cold.

Then it was time to hand walk in the indoor arena - and no, the arena is not heated. We did 30 min, about 2 miles, with Remy being quite the gentleman (he probably was not all awake yet). Then he got to dig into extra hay cubes soaked in warm water, carrots, and more hay.

I swear I could hear him think "Hmm, a bit of walking, lots of warm drink and yummy extra food - this polar vortex isn't that bad. But I really could use a TV, please?"!

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