Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The early bird catches the worm - and sometimes it just takes the right sticker

Well, if the early bird catches the worm, JP and I should end up with a whole colony of worms today.

3:00 a.m. wake up call as JP has an appointment today at 6:30 a.m. at the trailer manufacturing plant in Indiana, a three hour drive. I'm glad the issues are getting addressed, but still. A bit humorous (I didn't think so at the time!) was that JP apologized for me to the quality people. Apparently they aren't used to customers that are a bit irate when parts are falling off. JP's explanation: "My wife is an executive in the automotive industry" (well, yes, I do know a thing or two about quality). He sure is the nice guy in our couple!

As I was already going full steam I caught up on overnight email, then fed, turned out and did the stalls. Now it's back to work, trying to distribute a rather meager budget of salary increases between 21 people. Tonight my boss is flying in from France and we will have dinner. Hopefully a) Remy is kind to me this afternoon and doesn't wear me out, and b) I don't fall asleep with my head in the dinner plate!

JP came home yesterday from his outing to Judy's with Chambord and Remy, tickled pink. On the way home he had stopped at a traffic light when he noticed a car full of young women giving him the thumbs up and applauding him: They saw the sticker "Real Men Do Dressage" on the truck - sometimes all  it takes is the right sticker to become a chick magnet!

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