Wednesday, August 8, 2018

"He has four feet and he can use them" - and how did he manage to text??

Today was our weekly "Big Boy Bridle" (aka double bridle) day and Remy is taking to it lake a champ. We had a very good training session with -as always- great exercises. I do like the shoulder-in on the second track to change of bend to shoulder-in, so for example shoulder-in right then straight back to the left, then shoulder-in right again. That makes Remy way more flexible.

The half-pass exercise was centerline - half-pass - leg yield - half-pass which helped with the responsiveness to my leg (on the right I still get a "maybe"). This worked especially well in the canter half-passes.

The most fun I had is with something I hadn't tried before with Remy: Ueberstreichen in the canter. It goes like this: We canter on the circle, I give completely with both hands over the open side of the circle and then pick him up again on the closed side. While I give with my hands Remy's frame does not change, neither does the canter (i.e. no falling out, getting slow). Roz seemed surprised by my obvious delight and she drily said "he has four feet and he can use them" meaning Remy can work collected in a frame with the hind legs pushing. And then -of course- we had to try the same on our weaker (right) side. When that also worked well I had a hard time wiping that grin off my face. Sticking my head under the cold hose (it was a hot day) didn't do it.

JP stopped by just as we were done and asked about the ride. I told him everyone was happy, so he went on his merry way to go grocery shopping. Coming home he surprised me with a bouquet of roses "on behalf of Remy, he texted to say he was really happy with you today and instructed me to get flowers!".

Hmm, now how would Remy manage to text with those big feet, I wonder??  I guess it must have been telepathic texting - those two do have a special connection (and however it worked, I don't care, I'll just enjoy the roses)!

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