Sunday, August 12, 2018

The boys are benefitting from my 4th grade lessons - and luckily my memory served me right

Way back in 4th grade I had a biology teacher that was insistent that we had to learn as much as we could about plants. So as a 10 year old I learned about plants and their medicinal benefits for humans and animals. I stored the knowledge somewhere in the depth of my brain, never really thinking it would come in handy again.

During our trailride on Saturday the Remy and Chambord were trying to grab some of pretty white flowers growing close to the trail. While snacking is usually a big No-No, in that case they were lucky my long-forgotten lessons kicked in:  Schafgarbe "Yarrow" or "Archillea millefolium" is very beneficial for horses.

Afterwards I had second thoughts: Did my memory serve me right?? What if the plant is poisonous?? I mean, 4th grade was not exactly yesterday. So I went to Google for verification. What a relief, I had remembered right:

Yarrow has many benefits for horses, especially the bitter compound helps with digestion. The plant is also anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, increases appetite (Ok, our boys might not need this), good for metabolism and blood. Overall, the plant also helps to protect the horses' stomachs.

So, in that case, snacking is OK - but only at the end of the trail (Yes, JP, you may get a bourbon instead!)

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