Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Is this the "new normal"?? - Could it be..?

Today's trip to our lesson started with a detour: As soon as I got a glimpse of the standing traffic on US23 I made the split second decision to get off the on-ramp (after making sure it was safe, of course) and go trace our steps back until we could hit the back roads. Good thing Remy is such a patient traveler (not a good thing that I didn't have the Bluetooth active). We made it late but safe by taking the scenic route. Luckily Roz was switching lessons around and Chapin traded with me.

Starting out Remy's back felt tighter than yesterday, so we decided to go fairly quickly to a forward trot to loosen him up. From then on we had another really good lesson, Remy was soft and supple, and after the canter work his trot felt pretty awesome. I liked the half-pass - change the bend - half-pass other direction exercise very much. It got Remy more supple and more responsive to my leg aids. Another exercise that worked great is putting some leg-yield steps in the canter work.

I wondered afterwards "Is this our new normal??" Could it be possible that both of us work in a relaxed but focused way, continuing to build on the previous lessons?

Yep, we can do this! Remy says no worries, I've got us covered -- at least I hope that's what he says. I better ply him with extra juicy carrots tonight, just to be on the safe side. Never hurts to cover all the bases...pass me the German chocolate, please.

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