Thursday, April 11, 2019

First week back to training - and we both grew up quite a bit

We no longer go on 'hacks' - it's back to 'trail riding' for us. The four of us had a lovely ride a few days ago, Remy was super chill. I think he was relieved that he didn't have a gator splashing in a canal next to him. Michigan deer have nothing on them!

To our big relief we have a new (old) training barn. Ellen, one of Jan's friends and boarders, has decided to take the plunge with her husband and purchase the farm. Roz worked out an agreement with her regarding her students/training and voila: Remy's schedule was established: Monday morning - School bus to the barn; Training Monday through Thursday; Thursday afternoon - School bus home. Saturday jumping with Lisa.

Remy's 'back to school' went very well this week. First day was a bit of a warm up, we both had to get used to go from wide open spaces in the sun to the cold and comparatively dark (despite the lights) indoor arena. Today we had an excellent long lining session, Remy's carriage has improved so much, and he move with way more engagement and fluidity. My engagement was quite good as I was just trying to warm up - we had (yikes!) snow overnight. My fluidity was a bit more questionable, I had my hands full trying not to wrap myself up in the long reins. 

Both Remy and I grew up in Florida (high time for both of us, one might say). Remy's level of maturity has increased a lot. For me, working with Remy out of my comfort zone was a great confidence builder. 

It made me think of what I read in Tik Maynard's excellent book 'In the Middle are the Horsemen':

"I see two ways to build confidence in horses. One is to keep having positive, successful experiences. The second is to go through something difficult, but to come out okay on the other side. Perhaps it is the same for us."  

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