Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Movie night - and eye candy in form of a Mustang

We finally made it to the movies in A2 (Ann Arbor) yesterday. A2 is a bustling college town, and having to face traffic gridlock and then cruising around in search for a parking spot was quite a change from our quaint village main street. Good thing we didn't take the truck, I think we'd have been relegated to leave it at the outskirts of town.

Dinner was a bit of a disappointment (so much for on-line reviews), but the movie made it all worth it:

Yes, I did close my eyes a few times, mainly because the plight of the mustangs being chased by the BLM (Bureau for Land Management) helicopters into small pens was painful to see. Especially as it's common knowledge that a lot of the mustangs end up being either held in those pens for a very long time, they are killed, or often adopted by people that have not clue on how to work with wild horses.

This, however, is not a film about the plight of the mustangs, it is about the bond between a troubled prisoner and a high strung mustang in the Nevada prison system. Without giving away the plot or going too much into it I only say it's a great movie and if you have the chance to see it, do it. And yes, there also is some serious eye candy: The mustang and Matthias Schoenaerts... I, of course, only looked at the horse!

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