Monday, April 15, 2019

Grateful for vigilant people - and we can now offer a "Barn-Stay"

Yesterday we had one of the most gloomy Michigan winter days (yes, I know the calendar says it's Spring) in a long time. But that was only concerning the weather, the bright spot was a lovely candle light dinner with Andra and Ken. The candle light was not quite planned - just as dinner was about to be cooked the power went out. In situations like this a German-American acquaintance used to quip "I thought we are living in a developed country and not a banana republic??" It takes a certain sense of humor, and it just made the evening even more fun and unique, and sure enough, as we were leaving the power came back on.

Today the sun decided to return and the boys used the opportunity for a good snooze in the sunshine. However, when we got home we found the following note at our front door:

I suspect Chambord was the culprit. He stretches out completely, and even had me fooled a couple of times. His "dead horse" pose is impressive.  But how nice of the person to care so much and pin a note at our door! Thank you, whoever you are. We greatly appreciate your thoughtfulness (and feel a bit bad that you got worried by our sleepyhead, sorry!).

Drum roll please: We now have a "Barn with a Room": JP's labor of love. What used to be the hayloft is now a studio/office/yoga/'whatever we would like it to be'-room. Very cool! Ingrid and Gerhard, and Stephanie and Harald, take note, we can now offer a "Barn-Stay" to our European friends!

From hayloft to "Barn-Stay"
However, there is a chance that the previous occupants might want to reclaim the space. No worries, they are quite cute...

The previous 'renter': Mr or Mrs.Waschbaer

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