Sunday, April 7, 2019

Time off, giving himself a run - and getting some good snoozes in

Remy had the week off to recover from his trip and get re-acclimated to Michigan. And quite frankly, I appreciated a less busy riding schedule. It was a busy week, nevertheless, with clients and also catching up with 'daily life'.

It gave me also a chance to see JP's lesson on Saturday. When we both ride at the same time I focus on Remy and never really get to watch JP and Chambord. They both looked great! JP and Chambord have made a lot of progress over the last months. Lisa does such a wonderful job with them, and it seems all three are having a good time. And that's what it's all about!

Remy actually gave me a run for the money yesterday, or better, he gave himself a run. I decided to at least start longing him in our outdoor arena. Well, I hadn't counted on how fit he got in Florida: A few yeehaws and he had ripped the longe line right out my hand (I longed him off a cavesson only), and was galloping full speed around trailing the longe line behind. The only saving grace was that our outdoor arena is completely fenced in and I had thought about closing the gate. Remy settled down after a while and then stood there and looked rather sheepish. My only reprimand was "Really, you needed to do this??" - I was just happy he hadn't broken a leg!

Almost 'spooning' - Remy and Chambord enjoying the sun and getting some snoozes in

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