Thursday, April 4, 2019

Au revoir, Florida - Bonjour, Michigan

Two months and about 7000 km later, and we are back home safe and sound. It really was bitter sweet to leave, excited to go home but sad to say 'au revoir' (hopefully!) to such an incredible experience.

Early morning departure day

Remy's stall, stripped and clean - ready for next season
It's been a tough return trip, Carlos (the owner of the horse transport company that took Remy back) said it was one of the worst trips they ever had. Between traffic on I-75, ice in Ohio, lots of construction along the way it was tough. But Remy came back safe, sound, and chipper. I am very happy that I decided to ship him in a box stall, I do believe that really helped making the 30+ hour trip more bearable for him. 

After a 'wet eyes' good bye with Paulette I had to white knuckle part of my return trip. I hadn't even left Southern Boulevard yet when my car alerted me to tire trouble (again!). So I turned around and went straight back to the tire shop that had repaired and also replaced my tires before. What's with those Florida roads and their debris?? Luckily the manager and staff took super good care of me and the tire and off I went. Then I hit the big I-75 construction snafu on the Tennessee boarder. I resisted my GPS several times (it wanted me to get off and take by pass roads), but finally gave in. Well, I didn't know I'd find myself smack in the middle of the Appalachian mountains, on a two lane road, left the mountain, right a steep ravine, and NO cell phone reception. The places I drove by did not invite to stop: It look like something right out of the movie 'Deliverance', I could not believe people living in those dwellings: Shacks, ramshackle trailers, plastic instead on window glass, rusted out cars in front, and the few people I saw did not look healthy. All I could think of was "please, please, tire, don't give out now!!".  There could not be a bigger contrast to Palm Beach than this poverty. 

I breathed a huge sigh of relief and thanked my lucky stars when I reached the highway again, and made it to my first stop in Valdosta, Georgia. I hadn't counted on Spring Break, and the hotel was a zoo, but I really didn't care. About 11 hours the next day of bad traffic took me to Lexington, KY, where I had the first good meal of the return trip that did not involve power bars and yoghurt! And breakfast the next morning made my day:

Sign at breakfast buffet, Hampton Inn, Lexington, Kentucky
More traffic, including a freeway shutdown, and finally I was home late afternoon. JP and all the critters had quite the welcome for me: It's good to be home! JP had to get over me 'losing' my Jeans, but otherwise he found me 'unharmed' :-). 

Remy and Chambord went instantly back to being joined at the hip, and JP is cooking to 'get some meat on those ribs' - so all is well! 

From Palm trees to bare trees - but what matters is having your best friend back
Until next year??

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