Friday, March 29, 2019

"He is getting used to the New Birgit" - and being the pack rat

Last day riding in the beautiful arenas at WF. We kept the focus on having Remy supple, uphill, forward, and swinging. He felt really good, but still had -as Roz puts it- "answer the questions right". Remy's semblance of a protest is him throwing his head around, and we have an easy remedy for that: Going into a volte. That gets Remy's focus right at the task at hand, it's not punishment, but he has to work on something immediately and it deflects his shenanigans. I used to let him fiddle around, taking time finding our (my) bearings, and Remy learned that he could get a break that way. So now when he gives it a try but he doesn't insist, Roz calls it "he is getting used to the New Birgit".

The other fun part is that when we work on an exercise, say trot half-passes, and they are OK but not super we get the comment "two months ago I would have been happy with that". Both of us sure came a long way! I am so grateful to Roz for the wonderful experience, it truly was so much more than what I had hoped for. Now it's time for making plans for the season at home. But first comes the long way home.
The end of the season exodus has begun, luckily Remy is not troubled at the sight of a horse van
Carlos will pick up Remy and Boti at 8 a.m. tomorrow morning, which means I'll be there to feed at 6 a.m. and to give Remy a leg stretch before the long journey. JP will be at the receiving end, picking Remy at Jan's place Sunday afternoon and take him home. I'm sure Chambord, Saumur, and Teddy will be calling as soon as the trailer hits our driveway.

I've been packing for both of us today. Luckily, with decades of international travel under my belt I'm pretty good at it, but still, it will be a challenge to find a way to fit two month's worth of stuff into my car. Remy's boxes are all packed and ready to roll onto the horse van.

Tomorrow's schedule:
- Feed and water Remy and Boti
- Take Remy for a leg stretch
- Load Remy's stuff and Remy
- Strip the stall, clean the area
- Head to the house
- Finish packing
- Clean room
- Take shower
- Hit the road

My first stop on the road will be in the evening in Valdosta, Georgia, about 6 hours away. Then drive Sunday about 11 hours to Lexington, Kentucky, and do the final leg Monday morning. If all goes well get home Monday afternoon. Find (hopefully!) happy hubby, and (for sure) happy critters!

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