Sunday, March 3, 2019

It's Sunday - hacking for all

Last night I was invited to a lovely dinner "en famille" by Paulette and Jota. It was great fun to meet the sons, their girlfriends, and Tica, the beautiful (and sometimes vocal Kakadu).
Tica, also a college girl (yes, she goes to college with Marcel)
It was a full house, and yes, Ingrid, admittedly, I had to channel you when I figured out that I needed to wait my turn for a shower as I had to share the bathroom with five other people. Still, luckily not a Rotel situation, I don't have to wake up to "the smell of unwashed passengers"!

Sundays at White Fences are very relaxed, it seems the word is "Hacking Day". Remy and I joined a group outing and it was fun. Remy had never been out on the trails with a larger group of other horses as usually it's just the four of us (I bet he misses Chambord... and yes, yes, JP, I do miss you, too!). So that is another great experience for us. I know I repeat myself, but I enjoy the beautiful scenery very much.

I also spent some time visiting Adam's tortoises. They live in a large pen (paddock? not sure what you call it) between the two barns.

Hi, Handsome!
A touch of Asia: Bamboo next to the paddocks

Beautiful Live Oak (it's called Live Oak because the trees keep their leaves all year)

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