Monday, March 25, 2019

The countdown is ticking - can it be that our stay is almost over??

Next week at that time -if all goes according to schedule- Remy and I will be back in Michigan. I can't believe that our two months are almost over. It really is bittersweet: As much as I look forward to finally see JP again, as well as Saumur, Chambord, Teddy, Ziggy, Jaas, Jerry, Halle, and Julius (quite the family!) I will miss our time here.

Remy and I have made so much progress, not just in training, but overall. Remy is way more confident, and I am not bothered by his occasional antics (at least most of the time). For sure, we both go home stronger and fitter than ever.

I will miss the camaraderie of my fellow 'dressage snow birds'. It's definitely lonelier in that regard at home. And I will miss chatting with Paulette, while Angelina, Fargo, and Hope (the dogs) are literally under my feet in the kitchen in the morning.

Yesterday was our last hack of the season, and it was a beautiful day. We enjoyed riding along the canals and under the palm trees. Vivian and I were joined by Barbara, a remarkable lady who at 77 is trim and fit, showing PSG on her 20 year old horse. And she is still working. Quite a role model!

Sadly, news from my parents in Germany are not so good health wise, and I am quite worried. I did take my passports to Florida, just in case I needed to get on a flight from Miami to Stuttgart.  It's very difficult to accept that I can't do much (even if I were in Germany), and it bothers me a great deal. But my fretting won't change anything, so I'll just have to try to enjoy the last days here to the fullest.

Soon I'll be riding in winter clothes again....

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