Saturday, March 16, 2019

A day to relax for him - and he 'outshines' me

Remy was pretty tired on Friday, no wonder, he has a six day work week. Granted, there is variety, and hacks are not really work but still it is a quite intense program. He still worked well on Friday, but we kept it like at the office with an early quitting time on Fridays.

The plan was just to leave Remy alone today to lounge between stall and paddock. Well, he's like a kid that needs a playmate. Anything close to his stall is game. The other day I found a plastic chair (!) in the middle of his paddock, he had managed to get it over his half door into the stall and then out to the paddock. I filled his hay bag and left him to his own devises, well knowing the hay bag might be somewhere completely different by the time I returned.

I spent the afternoon with Sally, searching for a saddle that would fit her and Boti better. Saddle finding/fitting feels sometimes like the hunt for the elusive unicorn. But as luck would have it, the local consignment shop had two good candidates, and Marty, the master saddler, will bring another one tomorrow.

Mission accomplished I headed to the local mall to get a battery for my watch. The manager at the first store was nice enough to give me directions to a place where they work "very cheap but good" (hmm, I know this is Wellington, but how expensive is it here to get a new watch battery??). Then I walk through the cosmetics department and a sales woman looks at me and asks if I do anything else than moisturizing (clearly implying I should). She then proceeds to fill expensive serums and samples in a bag, hands it to me and doesn't even try to sell me something? After thanking her I stopped and looked in the nearest mirror - obviously, what I think is 'casual chic' looks like 'haggard barn worker' to others.
Even the huge local mall goes with the horse theme

Back to the barn where Remy got a bodywork session, a five mile hand walk, and a wholesome dinner - all supplied by me, of course. No wonder he is fit and shiny. While I am also fit, it does seem I lack in the shiny department...

So I decided to take my tired self for pizza (cauliflower crust, fresh mozzarella, mushrooms and artichokes) and a beer tonight - and while it didn't give me an instant shiny coat it provided much needed sustenance for a renewed spring in my step. At least it was enough spring so I didn't step on Angelina when I came through the front door.

Angelina - the beautiful guardian of the door

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