Monday, March 18, 2019

We got him fit and have to live with it - and will we have to fly a kite?

Sunday = hacking day. As there was a schooling show going on I thought it might be prudent to longe Remy a bit in the round pen. And right I was, every time a horse cantered in the adjacent ring Remy had to show off, seemingly trying to outrun the 'competition'.

The hack went uneventful, as we all happily concluded at the end. Just one discussion point was that we couldn't decide what type of creature we saw in the canal - Gator, Caiman, … or piece of wood?? Remy enjoys going out with other horses, and I do enjoy the company of the other riders. White Fences houses quite an eclectic group of interesting people, just to list a few: Winery owner, French teacher, Lawyer turned barn manager, Rider for the billionaires and also Flying Groom. Some of the riders are extremely wealthy, but you would never know. Most importantly: No Dressage Divas - luckily!

This morning dawned quite a bit cooler than usual, temps in the low 60s, and high winds. Roz prudently suggested that we take Remy to the round pen for a bit of 'letting off the steam' - and wow, right she was. Remy was practically jumping out of his skin. He is very fit, and the downside of being so fit is that he doesn't tire out easily. After about 30 minutes he settled down, and it was time for me to climb on. Deep breath. As Roz put it "Get on, get it done, get off". Surprisingly, though, Remy felt really good in his back (he bucked out all of the kinks it seems), and we had a good session.

And to celebrate Monday Nature (and Adam) had a bright surprise:

On the right edge of the picture you can see a bud before it opens to reveal the beautiful flower
It is called a "Pink Shaving Brush Tree" and each bloom only lasts one day
I celebrated Monday with a trip to the beach. First time in six weeks (!). I was just so busy until now that I never got around to it. So today was the day and it was beautiful, the stormy weather kept people away and I went on a nice long walk. After that I got back on Remy duty and finished that with another -way more 'enthusiastic' (as in he almost jumped on top of me)- walk with my overgrown pony. Total 12 km, plus riding, plus barn work - now I need to find a way to get the kinks out of my body. Perhaps I should try some bucking?? Too bad I am lacking the energy. Just alone the thought of getting up and taking a shower seems a chore right now.

As for tomorrow: Forecast calls for 35 mph winds with higher galls, and lots of rain. Remy will certainly have his yeeha moments. We might look like we are flying a kite in the round pen!

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