Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Rain Day, time to type up my notes - and a beautiful surprise

FC for once was right, at least partially. We do have indeed 100% rain, but the 35 mph winds did not (yet?) materialize. I had a bit of a scare this morning at the barn, as I noted Remy's full water buckets. Last night while filling them I noted a funky smell, like Sulphur, but thought it would evaporate. Then when I ran the water this morning it was black and really stinky. So, back to hauling water from the lower barn. We had water issues in the last days, but Adam said the faulty valve had been replaced. So, now we have water but it's black and stinks?? Back to hauling water from the other barn, and a text to Adam. Luckily he was able to fix it, and Remy finally gobbled down a bucket in one setting.

With all the rain, riding is out. So what better time than to revisit my notes from the "Lunch and Learn" Series? Two weeks ago the speakers were from the Palm Beach Equine Clinic, but the first topic -Embryo Transfer- was not something I'd ever consider and the second one -Equine Colic- I dearly hope I will never ever have to deal with surgery again. What stuck in my brain was that Embryo Transfer is not as expensive as I thought, about $4,000 all in all. I learned that there are farms that have up to 300 'carrying' mares (like surrogates). And on the colic presentation I learned that a horse has about 200 pounds of manure in it's intestines. That certainly explains all the shoveling I have to do every day!

Last week's topic was "Muscle Recovery and Why It Is Important To Performance". This was an excellent presentation given by Richard G. Godbee, PhD, PAS, Dipl. ACAS. I forgot my notebook and had to scribble on a promotional brochure but I nevertheless took a lot of notes. I will post them separately.

I kept the best for last today - the beautiful surprise. When I got to the barn Vivian handed me a gift bag with a beautiful bracelet in it. She had taken strands of Remy's tail (he won't miss them, I'm sure) and braided them into the bracelet. Vivian had also noted that I like the color orange. Her thoughtfulness really touched me, and just made my day!

JP's comment (after admiring the photo): "Too bad I don't have enough hair left for a bracelet!" LOL

Part of Remy's tail on my wrist :-)
Check out @BraidedHorseHairBracelets

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