Thursday, March 14, 2019

Wearing and not wearing - and working like at a parcel service

There is some truth to the saying about how pictures are better than words. Case in point: The photos Vivian took yesterday were truly giving me 'in my face' feedback. I took what I saw to heart (at least some of it) today. For example, I saw that I turned out my toes in order to urge Remy forward, mainly because I didn't want to wear spurs. OK, first of all, he IS going forward now. Second, wearing spurs and using them are two different things. So today I put my spurs on and wouldn't you know it, I had Remy in front of my leg without any effort. Duh! Remy is smart enough to know the difference between wearing and not wearing.

He felt better today than yesterday, soft in the back, withers up. Roz reminded me that I have to "move the entire package" (nope, not by driving an UPS truck) meaning keeping Remy together in the exercises and make sure he stays coming from behind using the RWD (rear wheel drive). Soo, Vivian, how often do I have to feed Kieren so you are taking more photos before we leave?? 

Today was a "Lunch and Learn" day, with an excellent presentation on muscle recovery and feeding equine athletes. I will post a summary - provided I can read my notes...the lunch was very good and after I finished the cookies I was ready for a nap.

All dressed up - ready to go!

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