Friday, May 2, 2014

Happy Birthday, Junior - and a decision to make

May 1: Remy's 6th Birthday. Good thing he didn't know it was his birthday - I was on a business trip. His Aunt Jude, however, took good care of him with extra apples and carrots. She texted: "Birthday Boy working very hard and very well" :-). We'll see if he can keep it up with me today. Different day - different story.

My last lesson on Tuesday was good, and I am feeling better and better about my rides. Remy didn't have "his hooves in his ears" (Judy's expression when he doesn't listen); and I even had a brief flashback to my rides on Crissy. Hers are very big shoes to fill, she was the most dependable and easy horse I have ever ridden. Miss you, Crissy-babe! (She would have been 27 on April 27).

A glance at the noticeboard in the barn gave me instant queasiness: The sign-up sheet to the June Lamplight competition - aka our Nemesis. To go or not to go? Avoid a potential frustrating experience or give it our best shot, no matter what? The alternative would be going alone to Waterloo, as Judy and her clients will be at Lamplight. I have no problem doing my own thing, with JP as trusty 'trainer'/manager/groom by my side, of course.

But still... "wer nicht wagt der nicht gewinnt" (if you don't dare you won't win). I talked it over with Ann, one of Judy's clients who witnessed our 'meltdown' last year. Ann has a quite challenging horse herself, so she knows the problems first hand. Her advise: "Go with no expectations, if you are able to warm up, go in the ring, finish the test, it's a victory - no matter the score". Hmm, that sounds like a good plan. OTOH, what if we end up never even making it into the ring? We would be paying a lot for another experience in defeat.

What the heck, I'm not a stubborn German for nothing: I will go to the barn now and put us (with a slightly trembling hand) on the sign up sheet!

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