Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Party Rules - Riding Rules... and let's make a Partyloewe

What do riding rules and party rules have in common? Quite a lot, it seems.

It took me a while today to get back into the swing of things;10 days without serious (riding) work left me with a bit of a lag. Luckily Remy was kept in tip top shape by Judy. Luckily... however... it also means that the little rascal always has to test me when he had a lot of time with Judy. With her, questioning is not an option. With me, uh, well, "can't blame a guy for trying!" (Remy speaks).

It went like this:
Me: "OK, you need to listen to my inside leg"
Remy: "Oh, do I have to? Perhaps I can just pretend.."
Me: "No really, I'm serious"
Remy: "How serious are you?"

Luckily Judy stepped in and got us away from this fruitless chitchat. She hit the nail right on the head: "Remy needs to come to the party right away, stay late, and clean up afterwards!"

Good advise, Jude! We'll make the perfect 'Partyloewe' (German for 'party lion', it means someone who always is right on at every party) out of Remy in no time!

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