Monday, May 19, 2014

Riding with this reminds me of a "Steiff-Tier" - and the beauty of one way conversation

Judy uses an audio system for coaching at shows, and some clients also prefer it for lessons. It's the difference of having the instructor in your ear as opposed to following a booming voice (yes, Jude, you are blessed with a voice that carries - farther than I sometimes like).

I had been toying for a while with the idea of getting a receiver (a small pack that is attached to the belt); and after dutifully comparison shopping I am now the proud owner of my own receiver plus sophisticated earphones. So, this weekend we gave it a whirl, and it's great! There is one hitch (or advantage, depending on the view), though: it's a one way conversation; meaning I can hear Judy - but she can't hear me. Remembering my embarrassing moment with Maryal (when she heard me say my mantra of "We can do this!") I think I prefer the one way conversation!

While riding with the earphones a slogan came into my mind "Knopf im Ohr" (Button in Ear). It's the trademark of the Steiff company; and all Steiff stuffed animals have the button in the ear as it is used to distinguish Steiff toys from fakes. It's significant to me because I grew up with Steiff toys - thanks to the fact that several uncles and aunts worked for the company and used their employee rebates to purchase birthday and Christmas gifts for me.

It's also a fascinating story of a woman that didn't let the odds discourage her. Margarete Steiff (1847 - 1909) contracted polio as a baby, needed a wheelchair, and her right arm was paralyzed. That didn't prevent her from learning to sew. At that time there were no special programs for people with disabilities, so Margarete started making stuffed animals as a hobby. Interest grew, she started the company in her parents modest home (keep in mind it was a small German town the 1860s, and she was a young woman with disabilities!). The company became a world-known toy manufacturer.

And a bit more trivia -  "Teddy Bears" are named after  President Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt.

BTW, I still have my first Teddy bear - his name is Zotti and I won't reveal his age. Let's just say he's well-loved and has a permanent home in my bedroom!

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