Thursday, May 15, 2014

Putting a deposit in the account - and "The Princess and the Pea"

It was quite the challenge this afternoon: Torrential rain this morning had nixed the turnout, and thus Remy's playtime. Then, as soon as we got to the barn we were told about "the men on the (barn and arena) roof" - meaning the storms had forced roof repairs. As Carolyn said: "No problems with the canter pirouettes today!"

Great timing to get saddles adjusted and ride without the benefit of a longing warmup in the arena "with men on roof". JP finally had found a saddle that fit him and Chambord (used - yay!), so Luanne came to see if it needed adjustment and also to get Remy's saddle fitted again. JP and Chambord lucked out: no adjustment needed - perfect fit.

Concerning Remy, yes, I mentioned several saddle adjustments in a very short period of time;  the 'no-longer little guy' is changing so much it's hard to keep up with his back. He was croup-high at the last fitting in March and two months later he has grown out of it!

In addition, I'm -ahem- kind of hard to please (those who know me, you are allowed to chuckle at this 'tiny understatement' now). I really can feel the slightest difference in the saddle; it reminds me of one of the fairy tales my nanny would tell me: "Die Prinzessin auf der Erbse" (The Princess and the Pea).

Good thing Luanne found the perfect balance for us today and the pea vanished. I had an awesome ride, it netted me a RARE high-five from Judy! Days like today I call "putting a deposit in" - meaning we are accumulating good experiences, so if we have to withdraw due to some not-so-good events, in the end there is still enough positive balance in the account.

And to top it off: While out running the dogs late this afternoon I found a four-leaf clover while thinking of Remy. Now, if that isn't a good sign!

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