Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Good rides all around - and that darn cinema in my head

It was a picture perfect Memorial Day weekend. Great trailrides with Saumur and Chambord, and really good lessons with Remy. It made me so happy seeing all four boys plus everyone else in our 'clan of 11' having a good time. Here are Saumur and Remy, enjoying the good life:

In my sometimes paranoid thinking it goes like... "things are going too well, something is bound to happen..." It must be a cultural thing; quite a few Germans I know seem to be afraid to full out enjoy themselves, so not to be too disappointed with things go wrong. I admit, I have to catch myself not to fall into the trap, and to truly enjoy every moment without wondering what comes next.

Unfortunately, what my close friends and I call the "Kopfkino" (meaning the cinema in my head that always seems to play multiple movies and "what if" scenarios) is not helping.

Note to self: time to switch to uplifting films, even go all out and see a comedy!

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