Sunday, June 1, 2014

A successfull weekend - wearing our respective big boy and big girl pants

Thursday started with the usual question "Why am I doing this again??" Work is so busy and challenging, then why do I VOLUNTARILY load a bunch extra stress on my plate? It must be something in my genetic makeup - thanks, Emil! (that would be my dad).

Anyway, Waterloo USDF/USEF Dressage - first show of the year. To everyone's surprise, the sun was shining. And yes, that's a surprise because traditionally, it rains cats and dogs and we usually have to dig trenches around the stables. This time, it was sunscreen and hat weather all weekend.

Remy schooled well on Thursday, and then he and Judy did great in the professional's class, scoring 67% and placing 3rd in quite competitive field. Yesterday and today I had to muster the guts to go in there myself. Out came the 'Big Girl Pants', and Remy was told to keep his 'Big Boy Pants' on. And so we went... and we did good, if I may say so.

To my great relief, the first class went well. Less so the second: I let the kid down, it was hot, we were tired, and I just stopped riding, which to Remy means... well, stop. And that's exactly what he did - he broke twice in the canter tour. Argh! Didn't take long (actually, right after I left the arena) for the ever-present coach to point out exactly where I missed it. When I say 'ever-present' I mean that with all my admiration. I don't know how Judy does it: riding her own young -and fabulous- mare Biscaya (to 76.5% no less), coaching a myriad of students from TL to Grand Prix, always being present, focused, positively coaching everyone, and finding time doing it all without showing any stress, impatience or hurry. Wow!!

That positive attitude also reflects on her clients, it's a great group of people, very supportive, no 'behind the back bitching'. I am especially grateful to Ann, who has taken it upon her to act as my sports-psychologist and gives me such awesome support. All this while having to deal with an extremely difficult horse herself. OK, not to sound like at the Oscar's, but I couldn't do it without my always positive French cheerleader and reader par excellence!

So with the village behind us, we redeemed ourselves today with two good scores, one being a qualifier for Regionals (first time we did the test), and I RODE during the second class, which netted us an even better score.

Pass the champagne (and sun-burn lotion), JP!

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