Tuesday, June 17, 2014

It could have been so much worse - and what, I have to wear a skirt?!

The appointment with the Orthopedic Surgeon went well; he confirmed that the x-rays show a clean fracture of the fibula shaft and it should heal without issues. Yay! I got fitted with a cast/boot, basically it looks like an oversized ski boot, that I can take off to shower. No more duct taping a garbage bag around my leg before hitting the shower (Ok, ‘hitting’ might not accurately describe it: JP moved the sturdy plastic mounting block in the shower so I could sit down like an old lady).

The US Equestrian Federation wasted no time, yesterday I was officially informed that I am on “medical suspension”. Actually, I received a nice personal note from the Competition Safety Coordinator. It makes perfectly sense, “… After a competitor sustains a possible head injury at a USEF Competition, a copy of a medical release note must be submitted to USEF before returning to compete at any further competitions (per General Rule #1316).” ; and I am impressed by the quick action.

So, with the bigger concerns out of the way I can concentrate on “I have nothing to wear!” which in this case is absolutely true. I am a trouser/pant woman, never liked skirts or dresses; and only posses a scant few. My legs, always nicely covered, are snowy white. Trousers and pants are out of the question with the huge boot that I have to wear for six weeks or so, and my 'good' foot is in a tennis shoe for balance and traction.

Let’s recap: One huge Ortho-boot covering toes to knee, one tennis shoe, a skirt (I wouldn't wear otherwise), a blinding white leg = Quite the executive fashion statement! Or... Melanie Griffith's horrible boss in "Working Girl" comes to mind. For the record: we only have the boot in common! :-)

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