Saturday, June 7, 2014

Note from Remy to Aunt Jude

Dear Aunt Jude,

It's nice to be home and hanging out with my buddies, but shockingly enough, I still have to do stuff! We went on a trailride today; I had to go up and down hills while staying straight and marching forward on the bit. Uff. Not sure if it's such a good thing that you are teaching Birgit. Definitely more work for me! She's muttering things to herself like "you have a good seat, use it!", "his hind legs belong to you", "more seat and leg, less hand" - which means she won't let me just goof off.

There are some really good occasions for some fun, for example when the deer jumps right in front of us. But no, I am staying cool and calm. I also have to listen to her and JP discussing stuff in French, which I sometimes don't get. Very annoying.  I went through tight tree lines, mud, ignored barking dogs, the aforementioned deer, and many other interesting things.At least all that good behavior is netting me lots of love and cookies (hmm, not sure what I like more?).

I hope you have a great weekend, and I'll see you on Monday.

Lots of love,

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