Sunday, June 8, 2014

I need a weekend after this weekend - and don't go into the woods without your phone

I sure got my exercise this weekend, with some adrenaline kicking in to boot. Between riding, horse work (yay), house work (nay), running errands, exercising the dogs, and a myriad of other things there was no time for boredom.

Yesterday after a lovely trailride I took the dogs out for their spin through the woods. Right at the horse trails a jogger came our way, he looked at me, stumbled over a rock, and started to scream. He thought he had broken his ankle. What now? Neither of us had a phone (stupid!) and there were no other people around. I told the guy to stay put and I would get help. I high-tailed home, called the park office and tried to explain where to go. It's not easy when you are in an area the doesn't exactly has street signs. So after some back and forth I took the phone and went back to the park. I was picked up by a police SUV (first time I rode in the back of a police vehicle, I might add!) and we found the injured guy.

I have to say: Kudos to the Kensington Park police and ambulance, they were extremely quick and efficient. It was a bit funny when one of the officers asked me for my ID (which I didn't carry) and had me repeat twice my birth date with a questioning look. Uh, I guess a sweaty T-shirt, no make up, and messy hair makes one look either quite young or quite old...  take your guess :-)

But there is a really important lesson here: Don't go out in the woods alone without a cell phone! (and preferably carry ID).

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