Sunday, June 22, 2014

I love "small town America" - swapping horse stories at the local diner

Like almost every Sunday we went for breakfast at 'Dimitri's', the local diner. As soon as I hobbled in on my crutches the waitress exclaimed "What happened to you, honey??" I had barely mentioned "riding accident" when she pointed out another woman having breakfast, this one with a broken collarbone, also from a riding accident. Ah, misery does love -some- company!

Our village is known for being very equestrian friendly, there are lots a horse properties and thousands of acres of parks with riding trails. Brand new is a traffic light (the first in Michigan) that can be activated from horseback. Pretty cool - and very thoughtful!

While waiting for breakfast -the best Spinach omelet there is!- our waitress told us that she and her family also have horses, and she knew exactly where my accident happened. It was fun swapping horse stories with her, and it really made me feel part of a larger community.

Aside from talking horses it was also very touching to see several elderly (if not to say ancient) couples getting together for breakfast, dressed in their Sunday best, and seeing them tended to with much care. Probably not something you'd experience in a fast paced large city.

Just yesterday afternoon we discussed living in America with Susanne and Joachim, our German friends and neighbors; and all four of us agreed that we couldn't imagine moving back to Europe. Aside from the quality of life we enjoy here, the logistics of moving would require something akin to The Ark - combined the four of us have 6 horses, 1 pony, 2 dogs, 13 cats, and let's not forget Rocky the Raccoon!

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