Saturday, June 21, 2014

One week down - and be careful what you wish for

Today it has been a week since my "close encounter with the fence". During the first days after the accident I was so tired I slept a lot, but now I feel like I am on the upswing. Yesterday at work I had to run a meeting and my opening statement was "You should see the other guy!" :).

The irony is that I actually got part of what I wished for. No, not being thrown off Remy! Not too long along ago I lamented that I haven't had a real vacation in too many years to count, and all I wanted was to sit quietly with a book on a nice beach. The beach I didn't get, but here I am, sitting with my books. Well, seems someone got the sitting and reading part right!

Of course, I'm getting antsy, and it's only week one out of six. Jeez! It's going to be a long five weeks to come. I am worried about my fitness, too, and how to make up all the lack of exercise. At the Orthopedic Surgeon's they gave me a printout with my vitals, including my BMI, which is 19 - and I sure would like to keep it that way. The doctor said I could go swimming, but being a bit of a germaphobe I don't relish the thought of swimming in public pools. We'll see if I get desperate enough.

The funny part is that after all the griping about wearing skirts now I have to admit I like it! JP drove me shopping yesterday and I got -gasp- a really nice Ralph Lauren dress and also a skirt with matching top. Hmm, and all I had to do is fracture my leg to discover I like dresses?!

I also now should have plenty of time to study for my citizenship test and interview. Next Tuesday is the deciding day on my way to becoming an American. Too bad that I am in the midst of a gripping mystery novel, and somehow I don't think I will get questioned on the plot!

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