Saturday, June 28, 2014

It is official - and a judge with a sense of humor

Well, it is official: I am an American Citizen!

JP and I got to the Federal Courthouse in plenty of time, but when we turned into the parking lot across the street the attendant told us "If you are here for the Oath Ceremony - it's canceled!" My (normally very low) blood pressure immediately shot to the Stratosphere, and I sure didn't want to give up NOW. So, after a heated argument about parking fees (the guy insisted on $10 for a couple of minutes) JP sprinted across the street in to the court house. And guess what: It wasn't canceled!

After the Federal Marshall shepherded us through the metal detectors we had to stand in line in front of the courtroom, waiting for a clerk to verify the paperwork. All very polite and organized. Once 'the show got on the road' it was a dignified ceremony, perhaps a bit on the frugal side, but short and sweet. After swearing the Oath a clerk called the names of each individual and their native countries. We were about 50 people, from 19 different countries. The judge proceeded to hand out the "Certificates of Naturalization" to each person.

When my turn came he walked up to me with a big smile, shook my hand and said: "Congratulations on becoming an American Citizen - and by the way, the Germans won!" (The soccer game Germany - USA had finished just before the ceremony, and the score was 1:0).

A lovingly decorated office door greeted me at work - it was wonderful how everyone took so much interest in it and I am proudly wearing the T-shirt that was draped over my chair:  "USA 2014"!

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