Sunday, May 11, 2014

"I love my second act" - and there must be a pony somewhere

What better way to celebrate the return from a trip and and a beautiful Spring day than with a trail ride? Saumur had been enjoying life without work for several weeks now (due to my work/travel/Remy schedule) so I wasn't sure what to expect from my 'Scaredy Cat'.

Saumur clearly showed me that he loves his 'second-act career' as a trail horse. He calmly walked along, barely giving the deer -waiting until we were next to them to jump up- a glance. No jigging, no jumping, no bolting - and all that in his rubber bit. So, forget 'Scaredy Cat' - Saumur now is the 'King of the Trail'.
And lucky for him, his pension is guaranteed!

Today was time for serious Spring cleaning - of the boys (the house can wait, it doesn't shed). They all enjoyed the thorough grooming, and it was especially necessary for the fuzzy little fur ball Teddy. I scrubbed and scrubbed until he resembled a shiny pony again.

It reminded me of a story a friend's dad told him a long time ago: "A kid sees a huge pile of manure, takes a look and a whiff, and disgustedly walks away. The next kid coming up to the manure pile takes a look and deep breath, and then excitedly starts to dig through the manure, yelling 'there must be a pony underneath it!'"

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