Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Over the hump.. or perhaps better said.. over ONE hump

With the good rides I have had lately on Remy (especially yesterday when we ran through test 1-3) I am beginning to think that our partnership is morphing into something really special. We will certainly still have our ups and downs, and as most experienced horse people will tell: that's the beauty and also challenge of bringing along a young horse.

It's all in the journey - or so they say. We encountered a big hump, and with the help of Judy, conquered that one. As Judy says: "There will be more humps but they will be easier to overcome and more fun". Your word in God's ear, Judy! That is exactly why it is so important to have an expert at your side to help with the dicey parts. Someone who knows young horses and the process it takes to build a partnership of horse and human; willing and able to step in when things get dicey. Thanks, Jude!!

It's the dance between human and horse... one to lead, one to follow, without anyone noticing. Yep, I admit - I watched "Dancing with the Stars" last night. While Remy and I are not exactly Maks and Meryl (Remy has way too much chest hair and I'm having a few pounds on Meryl), I think our dancing is making huge improvements. At least our chemistry is also right on!

Speaking of dance, I marvel at the concentration these dancers possess in order to remember every the step perfectly synchronized to their partners and the music, all that in front of millions of viewers. I draw a blank when it comes to remembering a dressage test or a jumping course when it's in a competitive environment. (At least I'm in good company, a world-class eventer drew a blank on the show jumping course at the Olympics, no less). Still, it's embarrassing to admit that I can jump through three languages easily all day long - but I need someone to read the tests and draw up courses. Thanks, JP! And should you ever quit on me, I will have have to switch to foxhunting - no map required, just follow the hounds!

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