Sunday, July 13, 2014

A roller-coaster state of mind - let's get the ball and chain off!

Ah, Remy... what can I say? Good thing I'm blond so grey hair doesn't show (hopefully!) that quick.

Waterloo this weekend was quite the ride -- for me mentally. Physically I'm feeling like a convict with an iron ball chained to my leg. That's how the boot/cast feels, especially after several days of maneuvering hilly show grounds. Judy and Remy were entered for 1st3 on Friday and Saturday. On Friday Remy warmed up nicely, but the schedule got messed up and we had to hurry from the warmup to the rings only to be told to wait. Judy got the go ahead to trot around the ring, only to be pulled out because the ring steward had forgotten about the rider before her. When it was finally Judy's and Remy's turn, the kid was exhausted. He still did respectably well, especially considering the circumstances, but I know it took a lot for Judy to carry him through.

Yesterday Remy was mellow all along so we didn't expect him to become the wild man on the longe line. I told Judy I would be absolutely fine if she decided to scratch, but she soldiered on: Crowded warmup on the left - water trucks and tractors on the right - storm brewing overhead. Honestly, I was really scared for her. This is where the true professional comes in: Judy didn't give Remy a chance to 'wander', she had him focused the entire time, and rode a beautiful test that scored 68.3%. Pretty darn awesome, Jude!! (As a side note, someone in the know told us that the test scored 70% and then the judge decided it was "too high" and knocked some scores down. So much for impartial judging!!)

For me the weekend was a bit of an emotional roller-coaster ride because being relegated to spectator is so NOT my thing. I felt useless, and yes, rather left out. I'm also pondering what to do when I finally get the all clear from the doctor: Do I have the guts to risk it again? Rather shockingly to me is also that I'm having twinges of doubts - why for once can't I have an easy horse?!? Yes, that's very immature, I know... but heck, after all the years of struggle with Saumur I'm tired. OK, I'm also tired lugging around in the boot, that might have a lot to do with my current state of mind.

So, how to move on? I'll start with my own 3 Step Program:
1: Off with the ball and chain - aka The Boot!
2: Plenty of German Chocolate (good for the nerves!)
3: Figuring out the next steps :-)

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