Sunday, July 27, 2014

Off with the ball and chain - and on to stretching

On Thursday I made the executive decision to get rid of the ball and chain (aka 'The Boot'). It was an act of liberation, "off it goes!" - almost akin to women taking off and burning their bras in the 1970s (?).  I'm keeping my bras, though. They are much less cumbersome and way prettier than the boot :-)

Taking a recommendation from the horse world I got a brace from 'Back on Track' (very fitting name) and it's working well. I also started Yoga again, and quickly got a painful reminder on how stiff I am. Yikes! Next week I am on vacation and the plan is to attend as many Yoga classes as I can: On to stretching those ligaments and strengthening these muscles. 

Speaking of vacation: All my colleagues as well as my boss in Europe are dropping off like flies. August is approaching fast - which means France is shutting down, a concept not many Americans can grasp: "What - 3 or 4 weeks on vacation - ALL AT ONCE???" Yep, that's how it works. 

My four-week vacation jaunts are long over, but then, I am no longer desperate to get away. If you are stuck in a small apartment in a crowded area, leaving for vacation becomes the goal. Not my case: I have what Antje calls "my little paradise" right where I am. OK, no beach in sight, but green pastures with happy and healthy horses make more than up for it. And I would be bored laying in the sun anyway (aside from given any Lobster a run for its money when it comes to color). 

Speaking of happy and healthy horses: Currently our "Threesome" (Remy, Judy, and I) ranks first in the Nation for the Morgan All-Breeds Awards at 1st level. Remy's scores all season have been well above 60%. Go Remington, go Jude.. and go catch up, Birgit!!

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