Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Sticking the big toe into the water - is the temperature right?

A German analogy for checking out something: "Den grossen Zeh ins Wasser stecken" - meaning 'Sticking the big toe into the water to gauge if the bathwater is just right, not too hot and not too cold'.

That's exactly what I did today, not with the bathwater, but with my leg and also with the horses. The Orthopedic Surgeon told me that I'm good to go if I can walk at least two miles without pain. So I took Max and Jaas for a brisk walk into the woods. Good news: I can do it! (Admittedly, with some occasional complaints from my leg, but no major revolt).

Then I thoroughly shocked Saumur and messed up his daily routine: I took him out of the pasture for a thorough grooming, and -gasp- a longing session. Saumur: "What the heck happened to MY vacation??" Me: "You've been longer on vacation than any European I know!". That (and the ample supply of cookies) did it, and Saumur actually had a lot of  fun showing off. He looked like a barely broke four-year old.

On to Teddy (aka The Pony-Man), his beer -uh- grass- belly would rival any redneck's. Teddy initially didn't think too much of a work out, either, but then he got into the swing of things. At least now he doesn't just stop and swings his hind end threateningly my way. Success! As I watched him trotting around I thought: "Hmm, should I?? Shouldn't I??"

JP caught me laying over Teddy's back to see how he would react to my weight. Teddy hasn't had a rider on him for quite some time. As Teddy didn't object, and with JPs encouragement I got on and we walked around a bit.

It was a good day for re-starting walking longer distances and also getting on a horse (OK, a pony). The bathwater was tepid today, perfect for immediate needs. But next time I will take the temperature up a notch or two!

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