Sunday, July 13, 2014

Emil puts an end to my pity party - and Step 3 is a no brainer

Right after finishing my previous blog it was time for my weekly standing appointment that's not to be missed: Call with the parents!

Emil (my dad) is often good for surprises, and today was no different. After inquiring about my leg, and knowing his daughter, my state of mind ("how's it going with your patience??") he proceeded to gleefully tell me about his latest adventure:

Emil has spend his entire life hunting, and he sure won't let three hip replacements and some crushed discs (among other things) slow him down; and by the way - age is just a number! So last night he went out into his forest. While climbing the ladder up to the tree stand a rung fairly high up broke, sending Emil crashing hard to the ground. Luckily nothing seemed broken, but he had a large gash in his leg. Two choices: Go home and face my mother (who is generally not amused by his antics) or get on with it. Easy decision: Emil rolled the pant leg up, sock down in the hopes the blood would dry (oh, yes, he also is on blood thinners), went back up the tree stand and shot a wild boar. Quote "She was way heavier than you: 60 kg!" - Gotta love the man!

After that Emil called home, said "get the first aid kit ready", loaded the 60 kg boar in the trailer... and braced himself to face my mother. :-)

And here I was, wallowing in doubts and complaining about my boot, when really step 3 is that easy: Just get on with it!!

The following quote hits the nail on the head:

"Falling down is part of life - getting back up is living"

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