Saturday, July 19, 2014

"My leg is OK - but my head needs help"

That's exactly what I said to Glenda, when she called me to see how things are going. I've been trying to wean myself off the boot after work, and things are going well, even though there is some lingering pain.

My head (more precisely - my mind), alas, is a different issue (not surprisingly, as some close to me would chuckle). I am going through a whole gamut of emotions, doubts, "what-ifs". Aside from having developed an anxiety about getting back on I am also struggling with self-doubts and embarrassment. I mean, really, I just shouldn't have come off in front of a large crowd!

Realistically, though, I've lived a charmed riding life until now. In all the years of riding I never had a serious accident (until now, and in the big scheme of things, this is a minor nuisance compared to what could have happened). Even top professionals come off, it's part of the game, so there is really nothing to be embarrassed about. Sure, just tell that to my subconscious mind!

As obviously I am not capable to do this - enter Julie: A certified hypnotherapist who also practices energy healing. Believe me, I'm not easily sucked in the "Hokus-pokus", but having had a couple of successful sessions with Julie about a year ago, I knew she could help. During the two hour session yesterday I felt like a weight was lifting, and energy flowing through my body. The proof of course is in the pudding. Another week or so and then we'll see what happens when I'm climbing back on.

In the meantime, Remy is progressing well with Judy, and they are having fun. In order to get Remy out as much as possible we've decided on a show in Cincinnati at the beginning of August. I'll have to be the groom again: The USEF does not joke about the medical suspension, as soon as I did the online entry for Remy I got a red flag indicating that I can't enter as the rider.

My next checkup is on August 12 and it should provide the necessary 'all clear' paperwork regarding my physical condition. By then hopefully my head will be "fixed" -- Don't get your hopes up, JP, the "head fixing" only pertains to my riding :-)!

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