Monday, July 21, 2014

Dolce far niente - I could get used to this!

Yep, Ingrid, you were right – I just didn’t believe you!

When I grumbled to Ingrid about the enforced idleness she said I would be surprised on how I could get used to it and even like it. Ingrid spoke from experience, having suffered a complicated leg fracture during an exercise class. Still… Me? Like doing nothing? No way!

OK, looking back at the last weekend, I have to admit that yes, I’m starting to enjoy this: Sleeping in, shopping (bought a killer skirt, of all things!), sitting in the sun with a good book, taking a break for an ice cream run into town … hmm, not bad at all!

I’m sure Saumur agrees whole-heartedly. He’s been living the good life, too, loafing in the pastures with best friend Pony-man at his side, stuffing himself with the rich, luscious grass. If it gets too hot, he stands under the fan in the run in shed. In the evening dinner and a comfy bed are waiting, followed by a final tuck in and “Betthupferl” (bed-time treat) later at night. (That, of course, goes for all the boys).

So for the time being Saumur and I agree: “Dolce far niente” (Italian for “Delicious Idleness” or “Sweetness of doing nothing”) is not that difficult at all J!

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