Thursday, August 7, 2014

One of us travels in style – while the other one upgrades to Pickup Truck

On Wednesday Remy boarded the ‘Party Bus’ with his friends from Topline, destination Cincinnati, Ohio – while I was on a plane from Veracruz to Mexico City. Not exactly synchronized travel here, but luckily Judy and Kim offered to take care of him until I can join them on Friday.

Judy texted me yesterday that Remy was MUCH more relaxed this time than at the last outing to Lamplight. Big relief all around! I can’t wait to get there!

While on the various planes I had time to read an excellent article that Glenda had send me: “Getting hurt: How not to and (if that fails) how to recover”, by Denny Emerson. Right on – well, at least the second part. Too late for the “How not to”. He starts the article with a saying from a friend who is a logger, regarding those who work all day in the woods with chain saws, “It’s not a question of whether you will get cut, but when, and how badly”. It’s the same with horses. So really, I was overdue (hmm?) and luckily it wasn't bad.

Getting back to the travel experience, here is Remy’s ‘Party Bus’:

 On the bright side: I’ve been 'upgraded' from a very bumpy ride on an overcrowded small Mexican plane to driving a Pickup truck on I-75, where the only challenge is to avoid getting a speeding ticket J

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