Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Outstanding Lemonade - and no going moldy here!

Today was the day: This morning I got the "All Clear" from the Orthopedic Surgeon, complete with a printout of my x-ray and a statement for the USEF, confirming I am fit to do "Equestrian Activities".

This afternoon it was time to climb back on Remy, my first lesson after a two month hiatus. Judy jokingly asked if I had selected my outfit last night? OK, I admit, I like to dress well for my lessons. I think it shows respect for the instructor, the horse, and of course oneself. I doesn't have to be fancy, but well fitted and clean (I guess my German upbringing combined with reading all those George Morris' columns must have something to do with this).

Not the best of times, weather-wise, as a thunderstorm was upon us. But not to be deterred, Judy warmed Remy up for me and then it was "my" time... Surprisingly, it felt like I had never taken a break. There was no anxiety. My body remembered all the key things, like keeping my hind end in the saddle (important part!), legs on, hands quiet, being centered.   Of course, Remy was quite different: Judy is doing such an amazing job with him that I instantly felt the huge improvement. There was no "getting to know" period, or time to fumble ourselves back in a unity. It just clicked. Wow!

Big sighs of relief from all four of us (Judy, Remy, JP, and myself). The best part was when Judy told me afterwards that she really believes in Remy and me and she wants this partnership to work. My fall and the resulting time off proved to be a blessing in disguise: it gave me time to quiet down and it gave Remy the opportunity to get the best training at home and at shows. Jude, there is not enough Hanuta to thank you enough!!! We made darn good lemonade out of the lemons we were handed - I think I even detect some of Emil's home-made brandy in there :-)!

Speaking of Emil - his bad luck continued as he had an additional fall, dropping 12 feet due to another broken tree stand. This time he cracked five ribs and pinched a nerve so badly that he is currently in the hospital. When I checked in with him today he was as usual in good spirits. We compared our 'battle scars' and Emil dryly stated: "Wir koennen entweder nichts tun und Schimmel ansetzen - oder unser Leben leben" (a German expression meaning we could either laze about, therefore stay stagnant and go moldy) - or live life.

Well, Emil - here is to not going moldy!! :-)

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