Tuesday, August 19, 2014

On the trails again - with "Moechtegern" Steady Eddies

We had perfect riding weather this weekend, temps in the 70s, and sunshine. On Saturday I ‘dusted off’ Saumur, who got excited at the prospect of doing something. “Yay – action!”.

I tried to heed Denny Emmerson’s advice regarding getting back on a horse after a riding accident: “Ride a Steady Eddy (note: it means a very safe and quiet horse)… walk only… repeat: Steady Eddy, walk only”. Well, Denny, we are kinda short of Steady Eddies. The only one we have is Chambord, and his job description covers JP only.

So, Saumur was the next best choice (for those of you knowing my bolting, scooting, shying Saumur it seems to be a stretch, I admit). Well, Saumur rose to the occasion. He seemed really happy to move out, the only tension happened when a guy with a very noisy tractor cutting wood was driving up close to us. I had to get off twice to fend off B-52s (large horse flies). Saumur is so good about it, where other horses freak out because the sting really hurts he patiently waits for me to kill the things. Getting off wasn’t a big deal, but getting on without a mounting block and shorter stirrups tested my left leg. Not a problem, Saumur stayed grounded while I heaved myself back up.

Yesterday it was Remy’s turn, and admittedly, I was a bit more concerned. Remy was very ho hum about the whole thing, first longing and then following Chambord out and about. I could feel his back tensing up a couple of times, and he had to find his footing, but he was also a very good boy.

Seems we do have a stable full of Steady Eddies – one confirmed (ops, sorry, Teddy: TWO confirmed – I just wish you were a bit taller), two moving up from “Moechtegern” (“wannabe”) to “almost there”!

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