Friday, August 15, 2014

"You rode well - but you looked a bit rusty"

My second ride this week on Remy felt good. Of course it made a big difference that Judy warmed Remy up for me, so by the time I got on he was all supple and on the aids. Tuesday I still had “Schonzeit” (it actually means the time periods during the year when hunting is forbidden by German law).

Yesterday we went back to business. Judy clearly didn’t want me starting out with my old habit of not using enough right leg; i.e. at shoulder in right I tend to get more neckbend instead of Remy bending around the inside leg.

With Jan coming at the end of the month for a clinic it’s time to get serious. I certainly don’t want to have to repeat the (felt) million canter transitions like last time!

Getting off was a bit awkward – I usually swing my right leg over Remy’s back and then jump off, landing first on my left leg. Judy suggested I use the mounting block to climb off, but really, that would just have been too “old lady”. I did it my way and almost buckled down. Judy’s commented with a smile “you are just so German”.

So, yes, JP, I guess I’m a bit rusty, but keep in mind rusty iron is actually STRONG and SWEET (as proven by ‘sweet iron’ bits for horses)!

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