Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Remy gets recognition - I battle Bugzilla and also develop a major crush

Remy received his Performance Horse Certificate from the USDF; Out of 11 scores so far this year Remy had 10 in the mid to high 60s, the only glitch was a 58.9% thanks to yours truly. Oops. Of course, credit goes entirely to Judy! Pretty cool, the kid is growing up it seems.

Unfortunately, our weather is prime breeding ground for all kinds of annoying flies. This weekend was a bust concerning riding at home: The trails were closed due to the "Down and Dirty" obstacle race (for humans), and our outdoor arena was the happening place for all the B-52s in the area. Poor Saumur, who usually patiently waits for me to kill those things, was running out of options. The biggest Bugzilla dodged all my attempts at getting rid of him (her?) so finally we retreated to the cool of the barn. Next time, I'll get ya!

Highlight of the weekend was meeting Jean-Louis Sauvat and seeing his murals in progress at the White Horse Inn in Metamora. WOW! Not only is his art spectacular, Jean-Louis is one of the most interesting (horse) people one could ever wish to meet. I basically had to pry myself away at the end of the evening - I definitely developed a major crush. No worries, though, JP... it's entirely an "artsy crush" (that's my story and I'll stick to it :-)!)

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