Wednesday, August 27, 2014

A friend who is always a step ahead - providing large doses of European equestrian culture

This morning on my way to work I received an excited phone call from my friend Stephanie in Germany. She had read my blog back in June about Jean-Louis and how much I loved his art work. Immediately Stephanie left no stone unturned to get her hands on the book "Les Chevaux de Sauvat". Alas, it was not available in Germany, and out of stock in France.

Well, persistence pays - to hell with not speaking French when on a mission! The book made its way from France to Germany, and is now well on its journey to the US... wrapped as a Christmas present, because that was the original intention. But Stephanie's logic (as usual, hard to dispute - just ask Harald, her husband!) prompted her to send me the book now so Jean-Louis can sign it when he comes back to the US for the opening of the White Horse Inn.

This is the same woman that managed to get a German TV station to burn a DVD of a show solely for me: The oldest state stud farm in Germany, Marbach, celebrated its 500 year anniversary.

I love the place and really wanted to be there, but I couldn't make it. The celebration ceremonies were slated to be shown on TV, so I asked Stephanie if she could record it for me. As that wasn't feasible Stephanie went into high gear: Found the number of the TV station, sweet-talked her way through the different departments, and low and behold found someone agreeing to burn the DVD and ship it to her!

What do they say: You cannot chose your family, but you sure can chose your friends. 30 years ago we both chose well - Although my meager 'cultural' contribution usually consists of providing Moose Munch Coffee :-)!

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