Friday, August 22, 2014

Junior is cranky - but works well

Thunderstorms threatened to come down all day; and Remy seemed to reflect the weather: cranky and stormy. When I groomed him he was annoyed that I dared asking to lift his hooves so I can clean them. Hmm. He was also pretty pushy, and tried to ignore the groundwork I usually do with him before riding. Easy things, such as yielding the hind quarters, backing up, being soft when led.

Of course, when Judy got on Remy to warm him up he jumped to attention. That shows who is his authority figure! Luckily, though, he kept the good attitude for me, and I had a very good ride. I’m getting back into the swing of things. Yay! When he got fussy in the bridle Judy reminded me that he does that because he’s propelling himself with his front legs, as opposed to using his hind end. Legs on, supported with a little tap from the magic stick (my jumping bat) and we were back in business.

All good – until it was time to go home. Remy reminded me of a two year old in the grocery store “No, I don’t want to, and you can’t make me!” when it came to trailer loading. I’ll be forever grateful to Julie Arkison, who taught me effective trailer loading without drama. Remy, smart boy that he is, figured out quickly that he wouldn’t win this one, got over his temper tantrum and sauntered in the trailer, like saying “what’s the big deal??”

At home the welcome committee (Saumur, Chambord, Teddy) was waiting for him, crowding at the barn door. They parted like the Red Sea to let him through to the pastures. No wonder Remy thinks he’s hot stuff!

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