Monday, August 11, 2014

Great Road Trip - with some chillin'

On Friday morning we caught up with Remy and the Topline team at Majestic Farm in Cincinnati, Ohio. Remy had traveled well, however, he got a bit too attached to Judy’s mare BeBe. Yes, Remy, she sure is spectacular – but, uh, kind reminder: too late for you, buddy! You might still think you are a studmuffin but really, it’s more muffin than stud.

Once Remy got a room next to ‘Uncle Leo’ (Carolyn’s Grand Prix horse Leonardo) calm was restored. I was also hoping Uncle Leo could give Remy some tips on how to become a GP horse!

Remy was a really good boy all weekend. Watching is worse for me than riding, because when watching there is absolutely nothing I can do – other than hoping he will be good for Judy. And of course Judy gives him all the confidence he needs to deal with a new and exciting environment. I literally stopped breathing when I saw them heading down the centerline, and the water truck was “beep-beep”ing right behind the judges booth, going back and forth. With me Remy would have said “thanks, but I’m out of here!”. With Judy he went about his business. They scored in the high 60s in all of their tests.

Obviously, Remy reveled in all the attention he got this weekend, between Judy’s riding, Kim’s beauty sessions, my hand-walking, and copious amounts of treats he had plenty of loving .. but I think his all time favorite is:

Just chillin’ with JP!

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