Thursday, February 12, 2015

Cavaletti Fun and "Just call me Ingrid"

Ok, I admit, calling me ‘Ingrid’ would be rather presumptuous. I’m referring to a multi-Olympian in Eventing that is also a top Grand Prix Dressage trainer and rider, the daughter of the late Reiner Klimke.  She is a role model for so many, consistently placing in the top of her sport while maintaining classical and horse friendly training principles throughout. I have several of her DVDs and books, and I admire how all her horses are cross-trained. Even her top dressage horses jump or at least have weekly cavaletti-training.

So, making a long story short, yesterday JP and I had the arena to ourselves. Judy keeps some cavaletti in the indoor, so it was perfect timing. Both Chambord and Remy really liked that change of routine. We walked-trotted-cantered over them in various configurations and I swear Remy had the same big grin on his face as I had after we finished our canter line.

Waterloo Hunter Trials – here we come. All we need now are about 40 hounds for practice…

And as for calling me ‘Ingrid’: We have the same short blond hair in common, at least that’s a start!

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